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My Personal Evolution During My First Year of Uni in the U.S of A

2024 July 11

Hello everyone. This blog is going to be just me ranting and talking about my first year of uni in the United States of America. I'm not going to share much detail about the exact location or the exact UNI that I'm at, but as a person who is not American who comes from a third world country and had an unbelievably bad experience with the schooling system in my home country.

I love university, I love college. It's the best. It's just a better learning experience I guess because you're paying money, therefore you have more freedom. They treat you as an adult and there's a lot of new opportunities and it's easier to find yourself in those types of places. So many great people to meet and so many great stuff to learn.

Like I lost my flair to learn because of my teachers in high school, and it was very bad. The teachers didn't know anything about teaching and their sole reason was just to make the kids depressed. One kid actually got on antidepressants because of it. Another kid got brain cancer because of it. And I myself had a lot of health problems and had to go to multiple doctors. It was hell. It was bad. They never cared about us. They treated us like shit, worse than cattle. And we never had recess for the better part of six years from middle school to high school. We were always treated like shit we never had.

We were not permitted to even communicate with each other since talking to each other was banned. We were basically just go into the class and sit in complete silence, listen to what the professor says, and if you don't do it basically, you'll get punished. Either get hit, thrown out of the class, hit with a stick or a plastic tube, or, you know, just verbally abused. Which somehow was worse than just hitting you with a stick or throwing your stuff on the ground. I have had a lot of problems with school, and I hated myself. And I hated everything. And I hated life.

But, having the opportunity to be so fortunate to go to university and not to any university, to one that's in the United States is just such a huge thing for me that I am very thankful. I have completed my freshman year of UNI. And I have changed so much and my eyes have been opened so much. I'm now back home for the summer to see family and stuff, but I'll be back to uni in less than a month, in like 2 weeks and a half. That's going to be great.

I'm going to be having fun, there is a lot more freedom, a lot more personal time. You take care of yourself by yourself and I think it's just way better than having people scream at you to do something. I've gotten myself into a lot of new hobbies. I've been going consistently to the gym. I don't like the gym much. I don't like using metal like barbells and stuff like that. I am more for like push-ups, pull-ups kind of person. But it's been an awesome experience overall.

I'm in there for cybersecurity and I have just started my double major right now in data science. The first year was full on cybersecurity. There weren't many classes directly pertaining to cybersecurity; we had a Java class, a lot of programming classes, and literature classes among others. It was amazing.

One class which I love and adore, that I would if I had to choose, would have like never even seen or taken, is Comic Books. It was a class about comic books and just how the layout of a comic book can be and how the pages are laid out, the pages number, the pipes, the colors, the story, everything about comic books, and it was amazing. The professor was amazing. I loved that professor to death, that it was. I don't know how.

But, it was not related to cybersecurity. I was very skeptical about it because I thought I'm going to uni for cyber, why are they putting me in a class that's so far away from everything else? But I loved it. I just loved it. I even bought comic books outside of class. I didn't even read comic books before, but I bought some. When I'm talking about comic books we're not talking about Marvel, DC Superman, Batman, type of stuff. No, we're talking about that deep, deep stuff, touching upon depression, suicide, lgbtqia+ topics, and many others. I forgot most of the titles, but one of them is Ducks, which is my favorite thick book. Such a thick, thick book. Amazing story. I'm blanking on the names of the others. I don't have the books near me. I left them in uni with a friend. Because I'm not picking up those books in my luggage, just extra weight that I'm going to take back there.

But, yeah, uni is amazing. I'm very thankful for my parents for sending me there and basically paying for me. It's been such a great opportunity to find myself, know and understand myself better. Just be around good people and a good environment and actually study something. Like I have been hitting high grades. I've started the first semester with a 3.7 GPA, the second semester with a 3.8 GPA. I've had like a 4.0 GPA for most of the second semester until like the finals, where I didn't care and it dropped by like a .2. But, it was amazing and I love it and I'm taking up data science too. So it's going to be amazing.

I hope you guys are doing well in life. Thank you very much. See you in the next blog. Bye-bye.

I love you wherever you are <3

9 blogs

Plushies I own 😁

The funny Ikea plushie

It is a good friend !

Always listens !

Is a shark !

The smol one is 10$ and the big one is 30$ !

From Ikea which is literarly everywhere!

Buy one NOW !


The funny mushroom

is good listener

very soft

Good as a pillow

is cheaper than BLÅHAJ (no offense)

Got it at Burlington (sorry)

Get one for your bestfriends (you count too)

Pink mushroom

Oki thats all for today it was fun.😊